An update on COVID-19 regarding photo sessions (as of March 2021)

As mandates for mask wearing and group gatherings are continually changing, I am working to stay current with the city’s rules and to keep my clients informed. This post is to clear up any confusion, to state my personal policy, and to let you know what to expect moving forward in regards to photo sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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New Bookings

I am open for bookings and will be updating my availability on IG @MelissaMileyPhotography. You can also just email me with a request for dates/times if you are interested in booking. As of now, all public parks and beaches are open to the public and do not require masks to be worn in family groups. Please bring your mask to your session incase we need to walk through a hotel lobby, clubhouse lobby, or other indoor public space on our way to your session location.

MMP Safety Protocol - During your session

Having your photos taken can be done while safely following Covid-19 precautions. I will have a mask on during your session. I will use a zoom lens to capture close up and distance photos while maintaining 6ft of distance. I am very excited to see you, but I won’t be shaking your hand when we meet. I won’t be wiping kids noses, adjusting their clothing or hair but I will still capture beautiful moments of you and your loved ones.

Current Covid Mandates by area

Covid Mandates in Charleston, SC

Covid Mandates on Kiawah Island, SC

Covid Mandates on Isle of Palms, SC

Covid Mandates for Folly Beach, SC

Melissa Maschek