Zero Waste Homemade Vegetable Broth


I will never buy store bought vegetable broth again! Making my own homemade vegetable broth has been a fantastic way to save money, reduce waste, and reuse old food scraps. Most importantly though, it is delicious!


Step 1: Save vegetable scraps in a bowl in the freezer. I recommend not adding beet scraps (unless you really love beet flavor) because it can over power the flavor.


Step 2: Once you have a large amount saved up, boil the veggie scraps in 2-3 cups of water for 10-12 min.


Step 3: Remove from heat, and allow it to cool. Once cool, strain the broth. Feel free to add spices, or leave plain and add later. Compost your scraps if you can!


Step 4: Pour the broth into an ice tray. I like this stainless steel one from Amazon but any ice tray will do the trick. Once cubes are frozen, you can put them in a jar and save for later.


You can also just pour the broth into a jar and freeze it that way, just be careful that you don't over fill the jar because it will explode in the freezer. Filling it 2/3 or 1/2 way full will allow the liquid enough space to expand when it freezes.



I like to freeze mine as cubes because then I don't have to thaw the entire jar just to use 1 cup of broth. I can grab the amount I need and thaw it for a quick, easy soup!